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Article Detail

due date - JULY 2021
Date Tax Compliance  Period? Remarks 
07/07/2021 TDS  Payment Jun-21 For june-21 - all payments related to tds - 26Q/24q/27q etc
07/07/2021 Equalisation levy  Payment Jun-21 on specified services 
07/07/2021 Equalisation levy  Payment Jun-21 on e-commerce transaction
10/07/2021 GST GSTR-7 Jun-21 TDS Deductor
10/07/2021 GST GSTR-8 Jun-21 TCS deductor 
11/07/2021 GST R-1 Jun-21 Other than Quarterly scheme 
13/07/2021 GST R-1 Q1 - 21-22 QRMP Scheme
13/07/2021 GST R-6 Jun-21 ISD
15/07/2021 TDS  Return  q4 - 20-21 Suppliers - 26Q
15/07/2021 TDS  Return  q4 - 20-21 Salary - 24Q
15/07/2021 TDS  Return  q4 - 20-21 NRI - 27Q
15/07/2021 TCS Return  Q1 - 21-22 27 Eq
15/07/2021 TDS  filing Q1 - 21-22 Uploading of Form No. 15G/15H
15/07/2021 IT Form No. 64D FY 20-21 section 115UB  Statement of Income paid or credited by an investment fund to its unit holder
15/07/2021 PF & ESI  payment Jun-21 Provident fund and ESI contribution 
18/07/2021 GST CMP -08 q1- 21-22 Quarterly challan-cum-statement - composition dealers
20/07/2021 GST GSTR-3b Jun-21 monthly 3b - other than QRMP 
20/07/2021 GST GSTR-5A Jun-21 OIDAR services
20/07/2021 GST GSTR-5 Jun-21 NR taxable person
22/07/2021 GST GSTR-3b q1- 21-22 Maharshtra 
31/07/2021 TCS certificates Q1 - 21-22  - 15 th was last date for 24EQ - return
31/07/2021 TDS  certificates Q4 -20-21 16/16A- all types
31/07/2021 TDS  Return  Q1 - 21-22 Quarter ending june21
31/07/2021 IT Form No. 64C FY 20-21 Statement of Income paid or credited by an investment fund to its unit holder
31/07/2021 IT Form No. 15CC q1- 21-22 authorised dealer in respect of remittances made for the quarter ending on 30th June, 2021.
31/07/2021 IT Form No.1  FY 2020-21 Equalization Levy Statement 
31/07/2021 IT Form No. 3CEK FY 2020-21 Annual Statement by eligible investment fund
31/07/2021 IT Form no 34 BB FY 2020-21 Section 245M
31/07/2021 GST GSTR 4 FY 20-21 composition taxpayers 
31/07/2021 IEC IEC annual Importer -Exporter Code (IEC) on annual basis